The Community of Saint Egidio calls for abolition of death sentence

By Charles Pangani

As one way of remembering people who are on death sentence, the Catholic organization in the diocese of Mangochi, called the community of Saint Egidio on Saturday the 15th October, joined hands with Bishop Montfort Stima of the same diocese, in praying for the people who are on death sentence. The prayers started with the Eucharistic celebration at St. Augustine’s (Mangochi) Cathedral.

Speaking to the congregation, bishop Stima admitted that people emphasize much on the corporal murder and pass judgment on the criminal according to the constitution of the government, overlooking the psychological and emotional murder like the practice of corruption, jealousy, envy and theft.

He also said that life is sacred, and no one is allowed to take it away apart from God. Solving a problem out of anger leads to killing others in spirit. The role of religious leaders is to preach against anger among people because anything done out of anger leads to sin.

In his remarks, the coordinator of the community of St. Egidio in the diocese of Mangochi, Mr. Potiphar Magombo said that the organization focuses on its three pillars so called the 3ps which are prayer, peace and poverty. He said that the day was important to the organization because it is one way of reminding the government, religious leaders as well as all people of good will to be united in comforting those who are given death sentence and remembering those who passed away through such verdict.

The Community of saint Egidio is a lay Catholic association which is dedicated to social service. It was founded in 1968 in Rome by Andrea Riccardi. Thereafter, it was spread in more than 73 countries and in Malawi it was established in 1991.